There are two ways to upload documents in ManagePlaces:

  • Directly into the project or task: this is useful for contractors who want to upload photographic evidence of work and other files
  • Into your central repository: this is useful for documents that are not project specific 

Both methods are very quick and easy:


Step 1:

Navigate to the project you're working on by clicking Projects in the left-hand menu and then click into the relevant project.

Note: You can follow the exact same process if you want to upload a document into a task. Simply click Tasks and find your task in the task list.

Step 2:

Now simply click the paperclip icon in the dialogue box and choose a file to upload. You can attach a document which is already stored in your ManagePlaces account, or you can upload a document from your device. To do this, simply select My Computer, followed by Select File(s).


Step 1:

In the left-hand menu, click Documents > Add Document. In the pop-up window, you can upload documents from your device or, if you prefer, select Email to upload your document by sending an email to the address shown. 

Step 2:

Once uploaded, you can attach your document to projects and tasks as needed. To do this, find your document in the document list and click into it. Now click Attachments > Attach. Click a project to attach your document, or expand the project by clicking the ">" symbol to attach to a specific task.