If you work with drawings or other documents that go through multiple rounds of markups and amends, the version control feature in ManagePlaces can be used to link all versions together providing you with a full audit trail so you can always access older versions of your document as needed, including crucial information like upload date, comments and share history. Here's how to use version-control in ManagePlaces:

Step 1:

First click Documents in the left-hand menu to bring up your document list. Now click into your document and then click Versions.

Step 2:

Click Add version > Select File(s) and then simply find your document and select it. You can upload files from any device.

Step 3:

And that's it. Your new document version is uploaded and will always be available to access in the Versions menu of any document. To download a version of your document, simply click the ellipses and select Download.